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5 Ways to Give Back Year-round

DeeAnna Holland

Can you believe that we are quickly approaching our 20th year? We may have had a few name changes, and a lot of volunteers, but the mission has never changed: feeding hungry people. We are thankful to have always had unwavering community support and below are some ways you can give back to your community year round.

Clean out your closet

Donate your gently used clothing and household items to the Woodland

Action Thrift Store. Your tax deductible donated items, paired with our friendly volunteer staff, enables us to provide services to hundreds of families each month. Not sure what items we accept? Give our store manager Tanya a call Tuesday-Saturday 11am-4pm (360) 841-8422 and don't forget to look around, we have unbeatable prices!

Hold a drive

Food drives are a great way to keep our stock room filled but some highly requested items are size 4 & 5 diapers, pet food, feminine hygiene supplies and toilet paper. Over half of our clients live on fixed incomes and unable to afford "extras". If your group would like help in planning a successful drive at your school, congregation or place of business please give our warehouse manager Julie a call (360) 225-9998 or email

Become a monthly donor

We are always in need of unrestricted funds that can be used for purchasing food, supplies, housing or whatever emergency comes along.

Just go to our Donate page, select the PayPal button, enter the amount you feel most comfortable with then check "Make this a monthly donation" and you are all set!


The most valuable item you have to give is your time! We have an amazing group of volunteers that help stock shelves, sort and date check food in our

warehouse, hang clothing in our thrift store and help off-site the second Tuesday of the month at Laundry Love held at the Cedars Laundromat. If you have a few hours to share with us we would love for you to join the WAC Volunteer Team. Volunteer Orientations are held Saturdays at 10:30am, you can send us an email at or fill out a volunteer form HERE

Attend an event

Save the date! Our 2nd Annual Drive Out Hunger Charity Golf Tournament will be held May 3rd, 2019 at the beautiful Lewis River Golf Course. Last year local golfers raised a remarkable $10,000 and we are looking forward to another successful event. If you would like to be an event or hole sponsor please contact our board member Steve Luckman

On behalf of the Board of Directors, Staff, Volunteers and clients:

Thank You for the continued support!

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